Dawn K. Wing
Multidisciplinary Artist
Concocting mixed media artist books infused with poetry, comics, dreams, memories and more.
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Interviews & Reviews
Click here to listen to Dawn discuss the genesis of "Tye Leung Schulze: Translator for Justice, a comics biography" in a podcast interview featured on "Let's Grab Coffee" with SunAh. In 2022, I do an encore podcast interview with SunAh to discuss my second book, "Tien Fu Wu: Freedom Warrior."
Click here to read an author interview and book review of "Tye Leung Schulze: Translator for Justice, a comics biography" by Autobiographix newsletter published in 2022.
Spotlight on Printmaking @ Northrup King Building, Minneapolis, MN - January 8, 2022
Along with other print makers of the Northrup King Building studios, I exhibited selected works which incorporate text and image in block/relief prints and zines. I also co-facilitated a free public zine workshop on January 8th with artist Roshan Ganu of Aapli Zine Library in Studio 205. The Northeaster newspaper published an article about the event here.
"An Interview with Author Dawn Wing and Review" [Tye Leung Schulze: Translator for Justice], 2021 by Jason D. DeHart, PhD.
Jason D. DeHart, PhD., (Assistant Professor of Reading Education and Special Education, Appalachian State University) reviewed my book and interviewed me for "Book Love, Dr. J Reads," a graphic narratives review website that he curates.
"Mental Health, Comics and the Grad Student," by Kay Sohini, Insidehighered.com, March 15, 2020.
Ms. Sohini was the panel chair for "Comics as Resistance" at the 2020 NeMLA conference, and included my presentation on that panel in this article highlighting the role of comics as catharsis for creators and readers, particularly those belonging to marginalized communities.
“How Zine Libraries are Highlighting Marginalized Voices,” interview and article by Rosie Knight, Buzzfeed News, December 30, 2018.
I was interviewed and featured in this online article discussing the importance of self-publishing (creating zines) as a liberating practice and platform to express oneself, particularly since narratives of people of color, LGBTQ+, the disabled, etc. are underrepresented in the mainstream media.